
AfriMod is a marketplace for ​​unique, funky, and artsy home & lifestyle products inspired by ancient and contemporary African forms, patterns, icons, and motifs.

We offer a best-in-class array of home and lifestyle products such as throw pillows, shower curtains, blankets, baskets, accent furniture, flooring, yoga gear, art prints, stationery, notebooks, greeting cards, etc.

Products on AfriMod are designed and crafted to make every room of yours… Yours in every way –– And your style… As unique as you are. Whether whimsical, colorful or minimalist, each item seems like it’s been created just for you.

We are passionate about living an inclusive, culturally expansive, environmentally conscious and intellectually inspiring lifestyle.

Why The Name AfriMod?
AfriMod is coined from the words, “African” and “Modern” ––a vision of a 21st century modern global aesthetic that is characterized by multiple cultural design narratives.

AfriMod Design Studio
From our design studio… and in close collaboration with various artists, both seasoned and new, we craft products for modern global sensibilities. Experience new horizons and ideas inspired by ancient forms, patterns, icons, motifs, colors, textures, shapes and concepts.

AfriMod design process begins with the deconstruction and manipulation of selected precedent items to uncover aspects of their core essences. The resulting variables are then reinterpreted, reconfigured, reshaped and recomposed into multiple series of graphic elements that go to form the basis for new patterns and new designs. In turn, these new patterns and designs are re-scaled, assigned new color attributes, new placements, etc, to eventually result in unique modern products that are bold, comprehensible, and yet pay homage to their origin.

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