Category: General Updates

Black-Owned Association black-owned businesses Member Updates

Nov 23
Thoughtful Holiday Gift Ideas from Black-Owned Businesses

Discover unique holiday gift ideas from Black-owned businesses. Support diversity and shop for meaningful presents this season.

Oct 12
Black-Owned Restaurants: Top Picks in Atlanta, Charlotte, Cincinnati & Dallas

Black-Owned Restaurants: Dive into Atlanta, Charlotte, Cincinnati & Dallas's culinary gems. Explore flavors, histories, and the chefs behind the magic.

Oct 08
Find Black-Owned Shapewear for Black Skin Tones

Black-Owned Shapewear: Discover the perfect fit tailored for unique black skin tones. Enhance your beauty and step out with confidence every time!

Sep 16
Black-owned Games: Roll the Dice on Culture & Cool Vibes!

Black-owned Games: Elevate your game night with a mix of culture and fun. Experience thrill and support black entrepreneurship!

Jul 29
Black Woman-Owned Businesses: A Bold Evolution Sparking Growth

Black Woman-Owned Businesses: fueling growth, breaking barriers, and reshaping our economy.

Jul 26
Remarkable Rise: LGBT Black-Owned Businesses Ascend

Discover the inspiring journey and remarkable ascent of LGBT Black-owned ventures. Explore their resilience, unique contributions, and transformative power as they redefine our economic landscape and drive acceptance, while overcoming systemic barriers.

Apr 07
Edify & Empower with Black-Owned Essentials

As consumers, we hold significant power in shaping the marketplace with our purchasing decisions. One way to make a meaningful impact is by intentionally seeking out and supporting Black-owned businesses. From personal care products to home and kitchen essentials to food, there are numerous Black-owned brands that offer unique perspectives, expertise, and products. By purchasing […]

Mar 31
Resilient Success: 10 Hurdles Overcome by Black-Owned Businesses

Over the years, Black-owned businesses have faced numerous challenges, from limited access to capital and technology to racial bias and discrimination. However, they have persevered and triumphed over these obstacles, proving their resilience and determination in the face of adversity. In this article, we will delve into the top 10 challenges that Black-owned businesses have overcome […]

Mar 19
Explore Amazing Black-Owned Businesses In Top Locations Near You: Support Local And Shop Black

Unleash the Power of Supporting Black-Owned Businesses in Your Area: Discover Incredible Local Gems and Empower Black Communities In recent years, there has been an increased awareness of the importance of shopping locally and supporting black-owned businesses. From clothing and beauty products to food and technology, black entrepreneurs are making significant contributions to the economy, […]

Feb 16
Black-Owned Businesses on the US Economy: The Impactful History

The history of Black-owned businesses in the United States is a story of resilience, determination, and perseverance in the face of systemic racism and discrimination. From the earliest days of slavery to the present day, Black entrepreneurs have fought to establish and grow their businesses, often in the face of significant barriers to access capital […]

Feb 10
Discover & Celebrate the Trailblazing Works of Black Entrepreneurial Authors

Black entrepreneurship has been a hallmark of excellence and innovation for generations. Despite facing significant obstacles, including systemic racism and prejudice, African American entrepreneurs have consistently demonstrated an unwavering determination to succeed and make a lasting impact. This same spirit of perseverance and drive is evident in the works of African American authors who have […]

Feb 09
Maximizing Your Impact: How Consumer Spending Can Drive Growth and Empowerment for Black-Owned Businesses

The role of consumer spending in supporting Black-owned businesses and the importance of making conscious purchasing decisions The Black community has faced systemic hurdles and discrimination that have hindered their ability to build wealth and attain financial stability. In recent years, there has been a growing movement to support Black-owned businesses as one way to […]

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