Celebrate National Black Love Day on February 13th

National Black Love Day

National Black Love Day is Celebrated Every February 13th!

Every year on February 13th the unique power of love within black culture is celebrated on Black Love Day. 

Ayo Handy-Kendi, the founder of the African American Holiday Association, created Black Love Day in 1993 as an alternative to Valentine’s Day for black Americans.

Black Love Day (BLD) is the 3rd commemorative holiday or wholyday of observance, reconciliation, atonement, demonstration of love within and for the Black community, and celebration using five tenets or loving Acts;

  1. Love for the Creator
  2. Love for Self
  3. Love for Family
  4. Love for the Community
  5. Love for the Black Race (Hue-man)

The Goals of Black Love Day

The goals of Black Love Day include:

  1. giving us a spiritual alternative to the commercialized Valentine’s Day to unapologetically celebrate “blackness”.
  2. “black” people to demonstrating black love through celebration, service, apology, forgiveness, and transform self-hatred through the power of self-love, self-care, and self-awareness for 24 hours.
  3. “white” people to putting “love in action “ demonstration of service, atonement, and reconciliation towards “black” people while inspecting their own racial attitudes, fears, denials, privileges, and behaviors for a 24 hour period.
  4. increasing peace, stopping violence and returning to love to heal all of our relationships.

We’ve been doing a great job in ending self-hatred among our community. Keep spreading the love!

Ayo Handy-Kendi founder of Black Love Day

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